

30 june 2019
All speakers are kindly requested to provide their presentations at least 30 minutes before the session starts. Please, notify in the title of the presentation the name of the presenting author, date of the presentation, session title. Read more >>


26 june 2019
The Bus Transfers Schedule from Hotels to the Venue and back can be found here


21 june 2019
If you plan to attend the City Tour on July 02, please register until June 24, 2019!


19 june 2019
Participants who have registered for the visit to PIK reactor may check the visit date in the lists




 All news>>>



St. Petersburg is Russia's second largest city, with a population of 5 million perched at the eastern tip of the Baltic Sea and the Neva River… But ask anybody in Russia what they think about St. Petersburg and you'll have the impression it's the cultural capital of the country. Read more...







Alsaidan Shaykhah

King Saud University,  Saudi Arabia

Simulation of a Neutron Source at the KFSH&RC CS-30 Cyclotron

Bulavin Maksim

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia

New data of upgrade of basic system of the pelletized cold moderator of the IBR-2 reactor

Deledda Stefano

Institute for Energy Technology, Norway

New instrumentation in the JEEP II reactor at IFE, Kjeller: Norwegian Center for Neutron Research – NcNeutron

Eshraqi Mohammad

European Spallation Source, Sweden

The ESS Linac

Georgii Robert

Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum and Physik-Department E21, Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany

Study of magnetic and quantum phenomena at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Garching, Germany

Jamalipour Mostafa

University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

Implementation of neutron reflection with Nano-dispersed media in Geant4

Javorsky Pavel

Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Czech Republic

Materials Growth and Measurement Laboratory

Jullien David

Institut Laue Langevin, France

Polarized 3He recent developement at ILL

Kirilov Andrey

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia

Instruments control software at the IBR-2 reactor: features and  prospects

Kulevoy Timur

NRC "Kurchatov institute" - ITEP, Russia

Compact linac for neutron generation as a part of BELA project

Lyamkin Vitaliy

Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute of NRC «Kurchatov Institute», Russia

A powerful UCN source at PNPI based on superfluid helium

Mikhailov Yury

The Federal State Unitary Enterprise “All-Russia Research Institute of Automatics named after  N.L. Dukhov” (VNIIA), Russia


Mityukhlyaev Victor

Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute of NRC «Kurchatov Institute», Russia

Cold Neutron Sources Historical Review

Mukhin Konstantin

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia

Combined pelletized  neutron moderator for IBR-2 reactor.

Tartaglione Aureliano


Update in the design of ASTOR: A cold neutron imaging instrument for the future argentine multipurpose reactor RA-10

Ulyanov Vladimir

Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute of NRC «Kurchatov Institute», Russia

First measurements of neutron spectrum at horizontal experimental channel of reactor PIK

Willendrup Peter

Physics Department, Technical University of Denmark and ESS DMSC, Denmark

New developments in the McStas neutron ray-trace simulation package

Zakalek Paul

Julich Centre for Neutron Science, Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH, Germany

Tuning of target / moderator / reflector unit for optimized instrumentation at compact accelerator driven neutron sources