Dr. Ralph Gilles is a senior scientist at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (FRM II), Technische Universität München, heading the research group “Advanced Materials” with expertise in neutron scattering methods for studying energy materials as high-temperature alloys and batteries. After the studies of physics and philosophy he was working as an instrument scientist. He designed, built and brought in commission the structure powder diffractometer SPODI and the small-angle scattering instrument SANS-1 dedicated for materials science and magnetism at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) in Garching, near Munich, Germany.
In his group methods as diffraction, small-angle scattering, imaging, neutron depth profiling and neutron induced prompt gamma activation analysis are applied for alloy and battery research. He has authored over 140 peer-reviewed articles on topics ranging from instrumentation at large scale facilities, alloy development, thin films, ceramics over to in-situ and operando studies on batteries. Besides Ralph is the industrial coordinator of Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum, coordinator of the Materials Science group and head of the Materials Science laboratory.