“I am a research scientist working at the boundary between physical chemistry and physical pharmacy. I graduated from the Universities of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Oxford, and after almost a decade serving as first responsible scientist of the neutron reflectometer FIGARO at the Institut Laue-Langevin, I have recently taken up a Senior Lectureship at the University of Manchester. I am also a committee member of the Neutron Scattering Group of the Institute of Physics in the UK. In my research, surface-sensitive experimental techniques including optical and neutron reflectometry are applied to probe mixed systems at the air/water interface with the aim of solving complex interactions mechanisms that can be dominated by non-equilibrium effects. Indeed the dynamic behaviour of soft matter systems is of particular interest.
The type of information accessible advances the understanding of phenomena in various soft matter systems spanning synthetic polymer/surfactant mixtures to mixtures involving drugs, drug carriers, proteins, peptides and DNA. Several of the scientific problems of interest to me are related to healthcare include cancer targeting, general anaesthesia and antibiotic resistance.”